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Insurance for Fitness and Wellness Spas

Insurance for Fitness and Wellness Spas Image
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  • Provides protection for guests who may be injured on the premises
  • Provides protection for personal trainers, fitness instructors and others who perform services
  • Provides protection for the loss of buildings or equipment due to a covered incident

How We Can Help Your Business

The fitness and wellness industry is unique in how it serves the clientele. These spas provide distinct services that can vary from one spa to the next. Some focus on fitness with yoga, Pilates and step classes taught by instructors. Other centers may include special programs to help clients improve their health.

With each of these services, a certain level of risk is inherent. Even if a person performs an exercise correctly and follows all the rules, they can pull a muscle or get hurt even worse. If an injury occurs and the owner is deemed to be liable, they may be responsible for the costs of medical care. You will need to carry specific liability insurance which will protect you in these situations.

It’s also important to protect your business from disaster. A fire or earthquake can cause damage to the facility or equipment. You need to carry commercial property coverage for your spa. Along with this policy, you need workers’ compensation insurance in case your workers are injured at the spa. Of course, protecting your business is more than just carrying the right insurance policy. You must consider how risk management can help you lower your costs and prevent the kind of situations that increase risk for your clients, employees and others.

S&K Insurance specializes in the hospitality industry, so we understand the unique situations that fitness and wellness spas face. We know you need specific coverage for incidents that can happen at your facility. Let us help you create a custom policy which will protect your business and help it thrive into the future.

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Restaurant owners must carry special liability insurance to protect them from claims made by customers who get sick from their food or drinks. They should also have a policy to pay for the losses from equipment failure that results in spoiled food.

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Resort owners have a unique situation which may require unique coverage. The type of policy needed will depend on what amenities the resort offers. For example, specific liability coverage may be necessary if there is a pool where someone could drown or trails where a person could fall while hiking.

Employee Lawsuits Can Paint a Target On Your Back

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Liddy Pederson

Nikki Saffrey

Kate Mirkovich

Voices of Satisfied Clients

Voices of Satisfied Clients Image

I would like to express my thanks to S&K for their assistance in researching and finalizing our insurance requirements. The detailed information provided to The Riviera Country Club and the availability of the staff at S & K in answering our questions or concerns, greatly aided me in recommending an excellent final choice for our club’s insurance coverage. I feel comfortable recommending S & K Financial and Insurance Services.

General Manager, Riviera Country Club

General Manager, Riviera Country Club Image

On behalf of Jonathan Club I wanted to take this opportunity to thank you for your hard work as our Broker and Human Resources Support person. As our designated Broker I have seen the expected energy and support that you promised when you partnered with our organizations. The due diligence, negotiation skills you demonstrated and programs implemented have already had a substantial financial impact on the organization. I cannot be happier with your company and that you have been able to implement so much so successfully and seamlessly. Once again many thanks for your support and professionalism.

General Manager/Chief Operational Officer, Jonathan Club

General Manager/Chief Operational Officer, Jonathan Club Image

We have been working with S&K Financial for over 10 years. They provide us not only with competitive insurance programs, but also with the added value of being advocates for both the company as well as the individual employees. We rely on their broad based knowledge to help us navigate the cumbersome web of insurance.

Director of HR, Catalina Channel Express

Director of HR, Catalina Channel Express Image